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John McCain--Patriot or Traitor?: Campaign Finance Reform placed in Perspective
Did you ever read the Ilead by Homer? I read it once. I actually was able to stay awake through part of it! I especially remember reading the end, after the long war between the Greeks and the Trojans, after a long seige, the Trojans (I think that's right!) came up with a brilliant plan to conquer the Greeks. They made a huge horse of wood with a hollow interior. In it they hid soldiers. They left it sitting outside the gates of the Greeks. After a few days the curiosity of the Greeks got the better of them and they went out to investigate this monstrous horse. They brought the horse into their city, thinking that they were bringing a god amonst them. Without their knowing it, they had brought the enemy into their midst. In the middle of the night the soldiers snuck out of the horse, opened the gates and let the enemy in.
Recent events in politics reminds me of this story. For years our Constitution has been under attack by the liberals. Their frontal attacks, while gaining significant ground have been ineffective in fully bringing down the walls of defense that the impregnable Constitution provides for us. Repeated attacks against the Right to Bear Arms, while hampering the gun owner's liberties, have proven ineffective in completely removing these liberties. The Socialistic Liberal Left's attacks against the Freedom of Religion have proven ineffective in shutting down the church, and fully taking away the rights of the true and faithful believers. One by one, every liberty has been openly attacked, at one time or another. There have been notable enemies: Bill Clinton's disregard for the Rule of Law, and his disrespect for the high office entrusted to him by the People of the United States of America. Al Gore and his attacks against the Constitution, during the 36 days of chaos after the last election, proved that he was incapable and unworthy of filling the high office he sought to occupy. The Renegade Seven of the Florida Supreme Court, unapologetic and unashamed political thugs that raped Lady Liberty before the very eyes of the nation, without so much as an outcry from the people, proved that they were indeed men and women that had no respect or love for this country that they were sworn to defend.
While these numerous attacks have made great headway in their intents, they have failed to render the crowning effect that these traitors have desired. However, that could all change. There is Trojan horse that has been built. It is sitting outside our gate. And while the Trojans used curiosity against the Greeks, the modern day Trojans are using our disgust and dislike of politicians against us. The traitors to our liberty that have built this Trojan horse are two Senators--John McCain (R-Arizona) and Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin).
Now make no mistake, I have no love for the money grubbing ways of politicians today. I think someone had it right when they said that "politics" means "many"(poli-) "bloodsucking insects" (tics). I believe our country has been sold down the tube by politicians. I believe that the only thing with less character than a politician is a lawyer, and coincidently most politicians started off as lawyers! They are money hungry and power hungry. They cater to the rich and ignore the poor--regardless of party and regardless of affiliation. The increasing amount of money spent by politicians in order to get themselves elected is embarrassing! John LeBoutiller of NewsMax.com said in his article that, "A U.S. Senator from a populous state has to raise from ,000 to ,000 per week for each and every week of his/her six year term in order to pay for the next campaign!"
However, McCain-Feingold is not the answer! It goes against everything this country stands for. Instead of protecting the people it silences their voice. Instead of empowering the people, it silences ALL special interest groups--not only the liberals but also the conservatives. It puts limits on the Freedom of Speech--in direct violation of the Constitution. "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" (First Ammendament, Constitution of the United States).
Here are some key facts to remember:
(1) Campaign reform was McCain's campaign issue--AND HE LOST ON IT! He may take his cheap little pot shots at President George W. Bush, because he will not back McCain, but Bush campaigned on different issues, and on this issue he had clear differences with McCain, and that will not change now. McCain would do well to remember that he is not the President, his issue was ALREADY VOTED DOWN by the people of the United States of America. He has no right to "require" Bush to support an aggenda that he could not even get the people of the United States to support in the primaries!
(2) Campaign reform IS NOT A VIABLE ISSUE AMONG THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Polls show inequivocably that campaign reform does not even list among the top ten issues that the American people see as priorities for the new administration. McCain threatened that he would not support Bush's tax cut if Bush would not support his campaign reform. Well, Mr. McCain, wake up and smell the coffee! The American people have spoken in the polls and have listed tax cuts as the NUMBER ONE priority. For a man that claims to be a hero of our country; for a man that claims to be a great defender of the people, he refuse to hear the voice of the people!
(3) Campaign reform empowers the media. If McCain-Feingold passes, according to the Center for Reclaiming America, "It will ban issue-oriented TV or radio ads within two months of a federal election if the ads even mention a member of Congress. This would silence pro-family groups...during the most crucial debates facing our nation." What will happen is that "soft-money" (money given by large organization's and corporation's) will become limited, and in the last two months of the campaign cannot be used to buy the increasingly expensive ads for TV in order to promote the issues and candidates that support those issues. The only way these politicians will be able to promote their issues is when the media invites them on their news shows and talk shows. The result will be that the liberal media, free from those pesky ads that muddy the water with issues, will be able to place before the people THEIR CANDIDATES! Do you think a RIVERA LIVE or LARRY KING LIVE, if given the choice, will offer to give air time to candidates with whom they disagree? If the only air time these candidates can get is through them, and it can decide the fate of the elections, are you naive enough to believe that Chris Matthews, Brokaw and Jennings will really help the conservative politicians out by letting them on and giving them a truly fair shot at presenting their issues?
(4) Campaign reform empowers the liberals. According to Center for Reclaiming America, if passed McCain-Feingold would, "empower liberal strongholds (such as labor unions) and allow the mainstream media to increase its control over the flow of information during campaigns and crucial issue debates." The labor unions are against the Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) version of this bill, which Bush is supporting. This version adds a little clause that liberals like McCain will not agree to; they wish to add a paycheck protection for corporations and labor unions. This would allow the average member of a labor union to decide if he/she wants his/her money to go to the party that the union decides to support (the Democratic Party). This will go a long way in breaking the stranglehold that the democrats have in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, thanks to the labor unions. AFL-CIO Associate General Counsel Larry Gold expressed obvious displeasure with the paycheck protection Bush advocates. "we are not looking to saddle corporations with this punitive provision as well," says Gold, according to NewsMax.com.
(5) Campaign reform, as it stands now, (I believe) is a spiteful means of John McCain getting even with the religious right with whom he wage an open and bitter war during his campaign. He declared us the enemy, and when we fought back by getting out the vote against him, thus causing him to lose in the primaries, he set himself out to limit the extent and influence of our voice in American politics. Do you think for one minute the NAACP will suffer from this--you better not! They have not suffered for violating the non-partisan laws for non-profit organizations, that the sadistic, Gestapo IRS enforces on conservative non-profit organizations; what makes you think this will be enforced on them? They will still be able to make ads that are insulting and inappropriate, like the infamous Byrd Dragging Death Ad, against Bush. Jesse Jackson is still allowed to stand in pulpits and publicly denounce Bush with his "Stay out of da Bushes" cracks, while John Ashcroft was crucified for saying that Jesus is our King!
John McCain is no hero in my book. He is no Patriot--although at one time I would have considered him one. Despite his wounds, and his scars and his battles he has forgotten what America is all about. He has turned his back on the very ideals that he was wounded protecting. He is a traitor to the American people. He is guilty of high treason! He has sold us out to the enemies of our country and of our Constitution. In his interest to silence those that are bitterly opposed to him, and those like him, he has bismirched his honor, betrayed his country and broken his vow to protect our nation and our Constitution. May God have mercy on His Soul!
May God Bless America!
One Nation under God!
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
I Pledge Allegiance to the Christian Flag and to our Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, living and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe!
I Pledge Allegiance to the King James Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path, I will hid it's words in my heart, that I might not sin against God!
Wrong Headlines...Again!
"Bush's fight may have been unneeded" So sang the title of the article in USA TODAY, on page 3A of Monday, February 26, 2001. In the article they go on to reveal with awe and surprise exactly what we knew all along--George W. Bush, won the election in Florida, and is a legitimate President after all! Well, there's a surprise for you!!
What get's to me is the headline, "Bush's fight may have been unneeded'!?!?!? This is once again the liberal media manifesting their bias! But really, does it come as any real surprise? The media emphatically denies that their bias had anything to do with their announcement of Florida going to the Gore column early in the evening on election day, effectively declaring Al Gore as president. They fail to mention that they hesitated in calling other states such as Ohio, that were leaning towards Bush, while they all but hi-fived on the set when they declared Michigan, Pennsylvannia and even Florida before the polls were even half closed! The voting booths in the entire panhandle of Florida (coincidentally heavily Republican)were still open. Don't be so convinced that Oregon, Washington and California actually were for Gore either, people were standing in long lines watching TV's that blared that Gore had won, what's to say that a great number of Bush voters, discouraged and disgusted, decided to not stand in line and wait for what was inevitable!?!?
As I read this headline however, I thought back to the 36 days of America held Hostage, 36 days of Al Gore whining, Florida democrats were conniving, and Christopher, Daley and Dougherty were spouting their retoric about counting every vote. In those 36 days the Constitution was brutalized twice by the Supreme Court of Florida and Lady Liberty was viciously raped and ravaged by the democratic thugs that wished to do away with the rule of law and the Constitution! And now we find out that we were right after all, and we are once again told by the media that it was all Bush's fault!!! How are these for possible headlines?
"George W. Bush declared legitimate despite unfounded attacks by uncouth democrats"
Ever since the Florida Chaos which was mercifully brought to an end by the intervention of a Constitutionally dominated United States Supreme Court, we have seen one democrat after another paraded before us by the liberal media declaring "We all know that Al Gore really one in Florida, and that in reality he should be President, therefore George W. Bush is just lucky to be in the White House, He is not really the people's president", thus trying to deligitamize his presidency and hamper his effectiveness. Well now we know the truth (which we already knew!) AL GORE LOST!!! GEORGE W. BUSH IS PRESIDENT!!! GET OVER IT!!!
Another headline could be, "Unconstitutional Recounts prove to be unnecessary". Every vote was counted, they were then recounted, and in some cases recounted a third time with the same result--George W. Bush won. The voters have spoken--AL GORE LOST! (Boy, I enjoy saying that!) Let us get one thing straight--neither Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida and George W. Bush's brother, or "Republican" Secretary of State Katheren Harris, nor the United States Supreme Court made George W. Bush President of the United States, the voters under a carefully constructed constitutional system that includes a necessary electoral college, made George W. Bush President. Granted it was a close run; granted it was a narrow margin but the result is still the same--AL GORE LOST!! (There it is again!)
How about, "Al Gore's plans to steal the White House derailed". YES I SAID IT--AL GORE WAS TRYING TO STEAL THE WHITE HOUSE!! I frankly don't care if it is unpopular to say that. Al Gore did not have the votes needed, and he was going to keep recounting until he did! The root of the problem in Florida is that Al Gore was not trying to "count all the votes" he was trying to CREATE VOTES.
As far as the headline in USA TODAY goes, they were wrong--Bush's fight was needed! It was necessary to defend the Constitution, to defend the rule of law, to stand up for justice and for the American People. After counting every vote they could possibly find, under standards that were so liberal that Al Gore would have loved them--HE STILL LOST! (Sorry, I couldn't resist it!) And the American people are better for it. We were told to stand in awe of the "Concession Speech" Al Gore finally gave after 36 days of stomping like a spoiled brat; we were told that it stands among America's greatest speeches--let me tell you, it was OK, but it was no Gettysburg Address and he was no Abraham Lincoln! AND IT WAS TO LITTLE TO LATE!!
So to USA TODAY, to Chris Matthews, to Brian Jennings to Rivera and Larry King I ahve but one thing to say--We have a real man for President and we are proud of him. AL GORE LOST! (I had to get it in one last time!) Get over it! Leave Bush Alone! May God Bless America! And May God Bless President George W. Bush, America's 43rd President. (as opposed to Al Gore, America's 43 LOSER. OOPS, there I go again!)
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See the similarities? Like father like son!
Reparations: Who Exactly will Pick up the Tab?
"America lives in the heart of every man everywhere who wishes to find a region where he will be free to work out his destiny as he chooses." Woodrow Wilson
"And so, my Fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy
America is a great country. It is great because God has blessed it. It is great because it was founded and cultivated by great people. They were great people, because they were independant individuals; men and women of strength and character. They came here to find freedom, they came here to find liberty and find it they did. They found freedom to speak, freedom to believe, freedom to make something of themselves without the tyranny of intrusive and unrestrained government. They believed in God, in Lady Liberty and in the American Dream--and did they ever dream!It was their dreams that led thirteen feeble colonies and turned them into a towering world power of 50 states! But the fulfillment of those dreams was not cheap! It was paid for dearly, bought with the sweat of idealists, the blood of patriots and the passion and zeal of the proud and independant entepreneur.
America is beautiful. And not merely because of the beautiful landscape, the majestic mountains, the towering scylines, the sprawling prairie or the sweet smelling heartland. America's diversity is what makes her beautiful. A tapestry of color, of culture and of ideals that blended together portrays a much larger picture: a picture of Stars and Stripes, a picture painted in the distinctive colors of Red, White and Blue.
But this is in danger. Hatred, racism and disrespect have threatened often times to tear apart the very fabric of the American tapestry. I want to begin by saying--I am not a racist! I do not dislike people merely because of their skin color. I do not hesitate to communicate and fellowship with anybody, regardless of their skin. I am, however, a patriot, and what I do dislike is a traitor, and I am forced by my deeply ingrained patriotism to speak out a grave and dangerous traitor that is becoming more and more vocal--this traitor is the Reparation Movement.
Now let us make one thing clear: regardless of what the proponents of reparations to African Americans say, if successful, reparations will only serve to further damage, rather than heal the so-called "racial-divide". This movement, endorsed by politicians such as John Lewis from Georgia and Mel Watts from North Carolina, if successful, could lead to the ultimate downfall of the American Society. "Is it that drastic?" you might ask. Yes, it is, simply because a successful and peaceful society can only thrive where there is respect, and respect is earned, and asking the government to take money out of other people's pockets and give it to another people, simply because their skin is different color and some of their ancestors were abused and mistreated, does not go very far in improving relations and fostering respect.
Here is the key question, Is reparations to African Americans fundamentally fair? I maintain that it is not, and I base this assertion on facts. According to news resources, several class suit lawyers in Florida have begun to draw together a lawsuit that if successful would provide for trillions of dollars in reparations to African Americans. What I am wondering is, Who exactly will pick up the tab? American taxpayers of course!!! You else?!?!
But instead of the six million southerners that lived in 1861, in eleven slave holding states, paying this bill to the three million slaves of that time, it will be more than 239 million Americans nation wide that will pay theses reparations to a little over 33 million African Americans.
I came up with the following figures based on (1) While it is important to note that "trillions of dollars" is a VERY unspecific number I am simply using the first plural trillion-- trillion dollars. (That is a mere 400 billion dollars more that the 1.6 trillion dollar tax cut that the democratic leaders, voted for by the African Americans by a margin of 9 out of 10, say that we cannot afford!) (2) The numbers for the population is information taken from the latest census.
Now consider this: Of trillion, 33,517,077 African Americans would receive ,671.08 each. Now that is including ALL African Americans, including Hollywood millionares such as Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey. It would include sports millionaires such as Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jordan as well as countless others in baseball, basketball, football, boxing and yes, even Tiger Woods. It would even be generous with Jesse Jackson and all of his lovers and love-children that he must support!
Of that trillon, 236,781,931 non African Americans would pay ,446.59 each--regardless of age and status!
Of the 50 states that exist today only 33 even existed in 1861 at the beginning of the Civil War. That means that the 17 states that did not even exist would pay a combined ,468,796,563.04! Of the 33 states that did exist in 1861, only 11 were slave holding states. That means that 22 states that fought and funded a war that supposedly was fought to free these slaves will pay a combined $1,026,617,291,583.21 to the children of those slaves that they payed such a high price supposedly to free them!
Here is one more financial fact to consider. There are 40,219,868 Americans that are neither white or black (31.3 million hispanics and 8,919,868 Asians and others.) These people, myself included, had nothing to do with the slavery issue! Why should we have to pay the combined ,720,734,850.12 that would come from our tax dollars!
I guess we now know the real reason why they are against the tax cut--they are saving the money for themselves!
I want to close with two thoughts:
(1) The debt has already been paid, both in blood and in economical value. 3 million men fought in the Civil war; 640,000 died, 50,000 went home as amputees. The years following the Civil war, known as the Reconstruction Era, resulted in most of the hated southern plantation owners losing the greater part of their property to sharecroppers (the majority of which were freed slaves) and carpetbaggers. This is without even thoroughly considering the amount of damage caused during the war, such as Sherman's 60-mile-wide march from Atlanta to Savannah that left everything in his path destroyed.
(2) The proponents of reparation contend that their ancestors have not been properly honored. I disagree! Have you ever heard of a White, Hispanic or Asian History Month? No. But you have heard of Black History Month! Have you ever heard of millions of dollars being invested in a downtown White, Hispanic or Asian cultural center? No. But the Charlotte political leaders are looking to set aside millions to IMPROVE the African American Cultural Center! Whe is the last time you went to a city of any significant size that did not have a Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Ave. or St. I say they have received honor, and then some!
As a people, the African Americans population have chafed under and complained about the racial profiling, as well as the sentiments of most non African Americans that feel that most African Americans prefer to live off of the government rather than become respectable citizens capable of standing on their own two feet. Now I am not saying that this is how I feel, I am instead saying that this is how most Americans feel. If the African American population wishes to dismiss this sentiment I have a hunch (as my friend Quasimoto would say) that this reparations movement is not going to help this mental picture of open hands! Let history rest in peace and let us get back to weaving the tapestry of this nation and let us once again make America Great!
Radical Religious Right Rant
Julio Caceres