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James Chapter 3 Pure Religion revealed in our Words
Introduction: The Book of James has often been referred to as the "Proverbs of the New Testament" because of it's wide variety of topics. James was a simple man of humble beginnings, unlike Solomon, and writes in simpler terms. The Book of James aptly follows the Book of Hebrews. In Hebrews, Paul travels the path from Dead Religion to Pure Faith. James on the other hand, travels the path from Dead Faith to Pure Religion. In Hebrews, the readers were trying to live Dependant on Religion without Faith. In James, the readers were trying to live Dependant on Faith without Religion.
That brings us to the question-What is religion? Religion is "The outward expression of inward faith". We could also say that religion is "Beliefs exemplified by Behavior". These definitions apply to any faith or creed, because religion is merely the outward reflection of inward faith. That is the key to unlocking the riches of James. The key theme is "Pure Religion". The key verse is chapter 1, vs. 27.
James can be broken down into five parts: (1) Pure Religion revealed in our Warfare-Chapter 1 (2) Pure Religion revealed in our Works-Chapter 2 (3) Pure Religion revealed in our Words-Chapter 3 (4) Pure Religion revealed in our Weaknesses-Chapter 4 (5) Pure Religion Revealed in our Wait-Chapter 5.
I. Control of our Tongues Vs. 1-4
...A. The Burden of Command Vs.1-2
......1. The Desire for Leadership Vs. 1a
......2. The Danger of Leadership Vs. 1b
......3. The Dispute of Leadership Vs. 2
.........a. The Inevitability of offense Vs. 2a
.........b. The Instrument of offense Vs. 2b
...B. The Bridle in Communication Vs. 3-4
We are commanded to control our tongue despite our...
......1. Character Vs. 3
Note: The horse is a strongwilled animal and wild. He is headstrong and demonstrative. His emotions run at will, and freely trample those that invade his space. A bridle holds all that power back, and prevents him from freely expressing himself. A bridle represents boundaries. We cannot use the popular catch phrase, "Well that's just how I am". We are to be bridled by the one that controls us and changes us. After years under a bridle and saddle, even the wildest of horses will become meek and submitted.
......2. Circumstances Vs. 4
Note: While a horse is wild because of what he is, a ship can be wild because of what is going on around it. Our biggest problems, quite often, are not our actions, but rather our reactions. The storm and the winds are what cause the ship to be wild and uncontrollable-the rudder is what bridles the power even of the waves and winds and steers that ship in the right direction. The rudder represents direction. We are too often, creatures of convenience and opportunity. Too often, we are easily swayed by circumstances. And too often, instead of shouldering our own guilt, we shove it off on circumstances. Note that this ship is controled despite it's...
.........a. Size-we are never too big to control our tongue
.........b. Storms-no circumstance is excuse enough to use our tongue in an offensive manner.
Note: Our tongue cannot and should not be controlled by anything in us or around us. The only thing or Person that should (or is even capable of) controlling our tongue is evident at the end of verse 4, "withersoever the GOVERNOR listeth (desires, wishes)". Our Governor is the Lord, and He should be in complete control of our tongue.
II. Contamination of our Tongue Vs. 5-8
An uncontrolled tongue is a...
...A. Destructive fire-vs. 5-It starts small but grows rapidly, and destroys much-i.e. brush fires out west. How do you put out a fire? Water=the Word
...B. Defiling virus-vs. 6-It is "among" our members. This implies that it is hidden among the members of our body. It is like a cancer, unnoticeable until it's damage is already done. It speaks of setting on fire, much like a fever, or as some viruses, a burning through the very veins. This fire is set on fire of hell-it is ungodly, unquenchable, unstoppable.
...C. Dangerous beast-vs.7-A wild beast is driven by instinct, and that instinct is geared toward one thing-survival. To often in churches we tend to have that same mentality-look out for number one-and our tongue to often is our means of accoplishing that.
...D. Deadly Poison-vs. 8-Poison is weapon of homicide. It is a murder of stealth and sneakiness. To often we use our tongues as poison to hurt others behind their backs.
III. Contradiction of our Tongues Vs. 9-12
.....A. Contradiction in our Respect-vs. 9-We respect God, but don't respect His property.
.....B. Contradiction in our Reactions-vs. 10-Blessings and cursings-these are reactions to good or bad things. We are to always have blessings coming out of our mouth regardless of the situation.
.....C. Contradiction in the Results-vs. 11-12 James compares us to a...
........1. Fountain-vs.11-12-Why? Jesus said that when we drink of Him, out of our bellies will flow rivers of water. So the question is what "Spring" or "River" is feeding your fountain? What "River" are you drinking from? He gives four types of fountains: sweet, bitter, salt and fresh.
...........a. Sweet / Bitter - Reveals Character (attitude)
...........b. Salt / Fresh - Reveals Cleanliness (salt water is very dirty)
........2. Fruit Tree-vs. 12-Why? By their fruits ye shall know them.
IV. Core of our Tongue Vs. 13-18
Note: Jesus said that what came out of our mouth, comes from the heart. So our words reveal what is inside of us. So in order to understand ourselves, we must consider our words, for what is in our heart is at the core of everything we say. James now spends the rest of this chapter talking about the wisdom that is at the core of our words, what kind of words we speak will reveal the kind of wisdom we have.
....A. Godless Wisdom vs. 14-16 it is revealed by it's...
.......1. Strife vs. 14
..........a. Bitterness
..........b. Bragging
..........c. Beguiling
.......2. Source vs. 15
..........a. World
..........b. Flesh
..........c. Devil
.......3. Surroundings vs. 16
..........a. Confusion
..........b. Contamination
....B. Godly Wisdom vs. 17-18
.......1. It's Characteristics vs. 17
.......2. It's Commitment vs. 18
Guest Preacher Outline!
Here is a great outline Dr. Simpson preached a few weeks ago. There are some great nuggets in it that will bless your soul.
Heb. 5:1-14, I Cor. 11:26, Matt. 26:36; 42; 44
Introduction: In this chapter, Jesus meets the three qualifications for an High Priest:
...a. He had to be appointed-Vs. 5-6
...b. He had to be acquainted with the people-Vs. 2
...c. He had to accomplish the sacrifice-Vs. 1
Jesus differed in two very important ways from every other high priest.
...a. He did not have to make a sacrifice for Himself (sinless) before He could offer it for others.
...b. His sacrifice was once-and-for-all. It did not have to be repeated every day, or every week, or every year.
His diety-Verse 7-"Who in the days of his flesh..." indicating that Jesus was God who had existed before and beyond the "days of his flesh."
I. HIS SACRIFICE-Vs. 7-This is a reference to Gethsemane-From this statement we see that the Lord Jesus Christ almost died in the garden of Gethsemane.
...A. The Sufferings-Heb. 5:7-9
......1. Heb. 5:7-"...when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears"
.........a. According to Matt. 26:36; 42; 44-"...and prayed the third time, saying the same words." What words was He saying? "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
.........b. The Threefold Period of wrestling in the garden suggests that He was here being exposed to the full intensity of what makes sin in our lives so defeating, that which makes up a sense of sin: shame, guilt, and despair.
......2. Heb. 5:7-"...unto him that was able to save him from death"
.........a. John 12:27; 3:27-Teaches that Jesus knew He was to die on the cross.
.........b. Heb. 5:7-This verse does not teach THAT JESUS ASKED TO BE SPARED FROM DYING but the word "from" means to be "saved out of Death."
............(1) Jesus was praying, "Don't let me die in Gethsemane." "Let me die on the cross as prophesied and get me out of the grave." (A Fear of Dying Too Soon, Prematurely in Gethsemane).
......3. Heb. 5:7-"...and was heard in that he feared."
.........a. Jesus was not afraid that God would do something unexpected or treat Him unfairly.
.........b. He knew His own weakness as the God-man and knew confidently His sole dependence was upon the Father. "Fear"
......4. Heb. 5:8-"Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered" What he had always known in His omniscience, He learned in a new way on earth by experience. One thing to read and hear about the pain of being burned but quite another thing to be burned.
.........a. He experienced everything a sinner would face and won. How did He win?
.........b. He absolutely refused to question the Father's wisdom.
.........c. Psa. 107:27-28-Describes the sinner's condition. "They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses."
.........d. It is at wits' end, driven by the Spirit into the place where the pressure is so great that we have no other recourse but to cry out to God for help, that at last we begin to learn. It breaks upon our dull, slow minds that this help is not something intended for emergency situations only. This dependence on Him is the principle upon which God expects us to meet every circumstance. It is then we enter into rest.
......5. Heb. 5:9-"And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him."
.........a. He was never imperfect at any time. A rose bush is perfect, complete, when the roses are in bloom. The Rose Bush was a Rose Bush all the time it was growing in the spring but was not counted to be complete until the roses came. The Rose Bush comes into Fruition, so did Jesus.
.........b. Having completed what He came to do, for He came to die for sinners, to be raised from the dead, and to open the way for believers, He was able to save to the uttermost those who could come to God by Him.
II. HIS STEADFASTNESS-Luke 9:51-"...he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem."
....A. The Scriptures- Again in Matt. 26:36; 42; 44-"...and prayed the third time, saying the same words." What words was He saying? "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
....B. The Supper-Jesus had just finished the Last Supper-The Passover Feast.
.......1. The Most Important Events in Israel's History were connected with the Passover Feast. (Same Day)
..........a. Gen. 15-Same day as Abraham's sacrifice of the Ram.
..........b. Passover-Abraham entertained his heavenly guests and Sodom is destroyed and Lot escapes.
..........c. Passover time-That the walls of Jericho fell before the Lord.
..........d. Passover time-Gideon had the dream of the "cake of barley bread"
..........e. Passover time-185,000 Assyrians were destroyed by the angel of God.
..........f. Passover time-Belshazzar saw the handwriting on the wall.
..........g. Passover time-Esther and the Jews fasted and Haman perished.
..........h. Passover time-Be the restoration of Jews
....C. The Supper's Guests
.......1. At the first Passover, they came with their loins girded, with shoes on their feet, and a staff in their hand-that is, as travelers waiting to take their departure.
.......2. The Passover Feast now is different. They are dressed in their best festive garments (not a funeral, a feast), joyous and at rest, as became the children of a king. (Salvation is not a Funeral but a Feast).
.......3. They were to sit at this feast, even reclining. They use this leaning posture, as free men do, in memorial of their freedom. It was the manner of slaves to eat standing, therefore now they eat sitting and leaning, in order to show that they have been delivered from bondage into freedom. The poorest in Israel could not eat till he has sat down, leaning. This explains why John "was leaning on Jesus' bosom," and afterwards, "lying on Jesus' breast," when he bent back to speak to Him.
.......4. Note: We "SIT" during the Lord's Supper. Why? We are no longer Slaves but Sons sitting at the Sovereign's Table.
....D. The Supper's Cups-There were 4 cups taken in the Passover Meal beginning Tuesday at 6:00 pm and ending Wednesday at 6:00 pm. Notice the sequence:
.......1. Every man living within 25 miles of Jerusalem must attend the Passover. There had to be at least 10 men present at every observance.
.......2. At 6:00 pm, Tuesday, The First Cup of red grape juice mixed with water (typical of the Blood and the Word) was drunk in silence. Then the presiding officer (Jesus) says a few words, Luke 22:15-16.
.......3. The Second Cup-Luke 22:17-Since Jesus is talking and giving thanks before taking this cup, we must assume that the First Cup had already been drunk or no one would be talking. (The Bible is SO Correct)
.......4. The Third Cup-Luke 22:20-This Third Cup was always at the end of the early meal of the Passover.
..........a. At this time, the men were then free to go and do as they willed until 3:00 pm the next day which was the time of the slaying of the paschal lamb and then the Fourth Cup was drunk.
.......5. The Fourth Cup-If the Fourth Cup was drunk at 3:00pm on Wednesday, Jesus never drank the Fourth Cup because it was at this Hour, He died on the Cross.
..........a. Remember Matt. 26:36; 42; 44-He prays Three Times--? "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
..........b. He prayed in the Garden for the Lord to let this cup (the Fourth Cup of Passover) pass from and THAT PRAYER WAS ANSWERED because He never saw them again that Passover Day and He never drank the Fourth Cup of Passover.
.......6. Two Prayers Answered
..........a. Jesus not only prayed, "Don't let me die in Gethsemane." "Let me die on the cross as prophesied and get me out of the grave."
..........b. Jesus also prayed, "Don't let me live." "I don't want to drink that Fourth Cup tomorrow." If He had lived to drink that Fourth Cup, He would have had to wait another year. (This would have Annulled the Prophecy).
....E. The Supper's Continuance-Question: When will Jesus drink the Fourth Cup?
.......1. Matt. 26:29-"...I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until the day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."
..........a. This is a Prophecy concerning the Millenial Kingdom when Israel will be assembled and converted at the beginning of the 1,000 year reign.
..........b. There had to be at least 10 men present at every observance.
.......2. Two Important Doctrines-The Security of the Believer and the Second Coming of the Lord.
..........a. Matt. 26:29-Jesus was saying, "I can't drink it again until everyone is there" but MOST IMPORTANT, "I can't drink it again until I am there."
..........b. I Cor. 11:26-"For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come."
.............(1) The Fourth Cup in the Passover was an Extra Cup always left for the Prophet Elijah whom they expect as the forerunner of the Messiah.
.............(2)Everytime we partake of the Lord's Supper, maybe we should leave a "Fourth Cup" on the Table saying, "Lord, we sure do miss you at this Supper and we wish you would soon come back again."
CONCLUSION: Have you ever thanked the Lord for His Sufferings and His Steadfastness for you.
1. The Lord's Supper Confirms the Security of the Believer (Looking Back).
2. The Lord's Supper Confirms the Second Coming of Jesus (Looking Forward). |